Monday, January 11, 2016

Mathematical Analysis of Human Life

In order to live a meaningful life, the knowledge of the four stages of human life: awakening, dreaming, deep sleep, and supreme consciousness is extremely important. Therefore, here they are explained in a more scientific way. Let us study these facts attentively.

The three stages of awakening, dreaming, and deep sleep are changeable. As they are changeable, these three stages fall under nature, because nature is changeable. These three stages are both with one shape or with many forms. Therefore, these are also called illusive, ignorant, and untrue. On the other hand, the third stage is formless, of one form, full of knowledge, and of supreme emptiness. Thus, this is known as purusha or Brahma. The proof of this assertion can be got from the following mathematical application:

The entire accounts of the whole of nature of the universe are operated by these four mathematical symbols: + - × and ÷ (plus, minus, multiplication, and division)? + - × ÷ = 0 or whatever digit or letter we may place before these symbols, the result will be 0 (zero). For example, nature = + n - n × n ÷ n = 0; +1-1×1÷1 = 0. Thus, it is clear that the plus, minus, multiplication, and division which are present in nature all become (0).

Suppose a farmer has some seeds. This is +. Now he sows the seeds in his field and they are finished (spent). This is -. The seeds give grains many times over. This is × . The grains harvested and brought into the house are divided by selling them and eating them up. This is ÷. The seed with the farmer to begin with was +, when he sowed it, it was -, when it grew and bore fruit, it became × and when divided, it was ÷. At the final stage, the result of all of these is 0. That is ti say, finally, only the seed remained. This process is
called nature and it goes on.

Now we come to know what all the members and the result of nature or the material world are. They all come to 0. The basis of all of these is zero, and their consequence is also zero. It is not that the meaning of zero is nothing, rather, it means no thing. When you regard 0 as God, it is like this: God is no thing, but not nothing. We reach 0 when we go on observing and analysing everything in nature. The same 0 is Brahma, God. Whatever name we might assign to it, it is formless energy. This is the truth. To be added to this zero is the main purpose of human life. Thus,
       0 = 1 = union = extension = undivided mind                                            = soul.
Now a question arises: How to go from nature to Brahma, from changeableness to unchangeableness, and from the body and mind to the soul and Higher Self? For this, the divided mind should be made undivided. The mind which remains after the acts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division should be taken to 0. To take the mind to 0 is the union.
Mano = yoga (union) [Mo = 1].When an individual mind is made empty, it becomes extended, or, as soon as the mind is vacant, it transforms itself into Higher Self. Having understood this fact, a person must keep his mind vacant or should indulge in no material pleasures while fulfilling his worldly tasks. This is known as character or cosmic consciousness.
Now, let us prove this concept with an algebraic application:

1 = ma/ma = ma-a = mo
\ 1 = mo 
or, mo = 1
 Thus, it is proved that when the mind becomes zero or empty, then the state of it is never-ending. It is this stage which is known as One or filled with Brahma. And again, it is this state that is the objective of character building.

We are aware of the fact that from this mathematical analysis that when the mind is vacant, only then does it join with one. When the mind concentrates on One, it becomes undivided. Indivisible, or of one form, means unending or eternal. The vacant mind is undivided in this way: mind = 0, 0 = 1 (one form). If one is divided by 0, the answer is 1 howsoever many times you divide it. In this way, 1 becomes infinite (µ). For example:

0 1                            0 )1 (111...
  0 1                    0  
    0 1                  1  
     0 1                      0
       0 1                    1
  On the basis of these facts it is clear, scientifically, that the basis of this universe is zero. The world based on zero is naturally zero. With the above we have proved that when the mind is vacant (0), it assumes a singular form or becomes one. Thus, it is clear that the world is nondual (or only one). In the same way, it has also been proved that the indivisible one or 1/0 = infinite(µ).

Thus, this process, which goes on from the infinite to 0 and from 0 to 1, from 1 to equality and from equality to infinite, is known as the everlasting truth.

Let us remember that we have used 0 and the word vacant in many places. The vacant mind is a passionless, egoless, and illusionless stage. The more we make the mind filled with physical desires and ignorance vacant through the higher pursuits of life, the more the vacant consciousness is filled with Brahma. When the mind if fully vacant, at that moment, the mind becomes fully vacant and fully filled with Brahma. Thus, the meaning of empty, 0, is perfectly conscious, Brahma. Thus, the meaning of empty, 0, is perfectly conscious, becoming an extensive consciousness, or transforming into a single consciousness, or salvation. It is also called Nirvana. This is the stage known as the stage of the infinite mind. This is the supreme stage of the endless end, the pointless point and the mindless mind.


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