Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sex Education : An International Conspiracy

Today the young people of developing countries like scientists, doctors, Engineers, technocrats, economists, social scientists, literatures, environmentalist and young experts in all other fields of global concerns are doing miraculous jobs through their genius and hard work.

This has surprised the western countries particularly USA., UK and others. They want to spoil these youths and forthcoming young generation so that our vital youth forces destroyed and our countries hollowed from within.

After destroying their own youth force due to their wrong policies and pornographic education,these countries are now targeting youths of South Asian countries. They have many plans for it. Westernization is a master plan which have several sub plans and there are many westernizing agencies at work.

Sex education, nay introduction of the vulgarity and pornography in school and college curriculum is such a sub-plan to dehumanize our society. They say that sex education is necessary to prevent HIV/AIDS. In the name of sex education they are encouraging to have free sex to satisfy the lust and for that they plan to distribute condoms and others devices of contraception. In fact, the youths and students should be taught to practise abstinence and Brahmacharya.

They should be moulded and encouraged to be faithful to their wives. No extra marital or pre-marital conjugal relation. If this is practised, HIV/AIDS will automatically disappear. Sex education is  not necessary for eradication of HIV/AIDS. Sex education is already prevalent in the western countries like USA, UK, France and others. Why HIV/AIDS are increasing day by day in these countries ? There are several NGOs over activing in developing countries are funded by International Funding Agencies.

 These NGOs are creating a psychological fear of HIV/AIDS in the young minds out of proportion without suggesting a relevant remedy to ever growing Demon called HIV/AIDS. Distributions of male and female condoms to young boys and girls, encouraging them to enjoy sex any time, anywhere and with anybody will increase HIV/AIDS along with other sexually transmitted diseases (STD). It will increase sex related crimes giving rise to many other social problems like theft, robbery, murder and suicide.

            The sex education will awaken and re-vitalize the sensuality in premature mind in adolescent age. There is co-education in schools, college and universities. Instead of inspiring students to concentrate their minds on rigorous study, the so called sex education will divert into sensuality and with legalization of use of condoms and other contraceptives before marriage, it will make the young minds to think that they are in safe zone and can enjoy sex without any restriction and without control of the society.

Thus, this type of educations encourages the youths to break the barriers of cultural ethics and religious discipline. Nobody gives sex education to animals and creatures but life cycles goes on and on. Therefore, following points should be born in the mind by the advocates of sex education.

1. Let nature do its work. Nature cycle should not be disturbed by artificial means, it will boomerang         one day.

2. It is an explosive through to impart sex education to young minds.

3. There are certain deeds and its doctrines which are liable to be kept secret. It can not be discussed            in public. Sex is also such a thing which can not be discussed openly in the name of science and           openness of the society.

4. The fundamental principle of education is the maturity and ability of learner. Everything can not be taught in childhood. HIV/AIDS are spreading in western countries. It is not because of lack of knowledge of sex but because of excessive involvement in illegal sexual intercourse before and after marriage. HIV/AIDS are the outcome of extremity of sex. It is also because of the use of infected needles for injecting toxic drugs, kidney transplant, blood transfusion and many more. Sex education- the proposed remedy of HIV/AIDS by some is rather more and more problematic.

5. Sex education will harm the sanctity of educational institutions- the temple of the learning.

6. Sex education will break the family ties. As we can not give rifles in the hands of children to protect from the terrorism and to check terrorist. Similarly, children can not be given sex education for prevention from HIV/AIDS. They are required to be given lessons on morality, self disciplined, Brahmacharya, abstinence and spirituality. The idea of the controlling HIV/AIDS through sex education is just like an idea of building a place in sky. Sex education does not fit into our culture. Moreover, sex education and HIV/AIDS are subject of doctors not of teachers.

            This is the reason that the league of students, parents/guardians and teachers are opposing the imposition of sex education. But the strong wind of westernization in the name of modernization and rapid reform is sweeping the land. This strong wind of westernization is required to be checked.

 (Extracted from concept paper of the seminar on Modernization without Westernization, held on 25,26 August 2007 at Kohima:Nagaland)


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